H-Bare noticed that if you take a perpendicular axle joiner, put a red 2M axle and two blue axle pins in it, it makes a nice little Micro Face. Cool. An LDRAW file for the face is attached..
The Techno Guild provided carrier spacecraft to the Confederacy of Independent Systems which had an auspicious start during the Geonosian conflict. The carriers ranged in size depending on their purpose; whereas the medium types carried less Battle Droid Units, they were deployed faster than the larger core ships.
That's it for this month come back in June for more!!!
P.S. Sorry This is a little late but on May 5th I became a LEGO Universe Closed-Beta Tester!!!!!
Welcome to Mini Figs on parade! we are so excited to be starting this blog to show off some of our coolest MOC's. Also it will be a great way for us to keep an online diary of our creations. we hope you enjoy and are inspired to get out there and create something original. LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD!!!
I have 18 + mini figures and counting. That make up the cast of characters in our parade.